All the tools to run a successful umbrella company

Elevate your umbrella company with cutting-edge software and dynamic marketing. Our customised solutions are crafted to simplify your operations and enhance your visibility in the market.

The tools

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The Ultimate CRM Solution for Umbrella Company Management

In the fast-paced world of umbrella company management, staying ahead requires a powerful, intuitive tool that simplifies complexities and streamlines processes. Enter Distinction – the premier Windows-based CRM system designed specifically to cater to the unique needs of umbrella companies.

Distinction offers unparalleled efficiency in managing the intricate details of thousands of workers, ensuring every aspect of your operation runs smoothly. With our cutting-edge software, your admin team can easily navigate through the data of thousands of workers, optimising productivity and enhancing decision-making processes.


Improve customer retention with UmbrellaRep

Get client feedback in real time. Monitor, improve and delight to increase customer loyalty, referrals and sales.

Your reputation as a financial services provider is everything. UmbrellaRep has been built with Umbrella Companies in mind. It gives you the customer care tools that you need to maintain an outstanding level of service – and lets you turn your reputation score into a selling tool.

Resource One

Maximise your sales potential with intuitive lead management

A deluge of internet leads can overwhelm sales teams.

Enter Resource One: a browser-based system revolutionising lead management. Designed for sales professionals, it turns a high volume of leads into a strategic edge, offering a kanban-style interface for easy organisation and tracking.

With Resource One, efficiency meets productivity as every communication—calls, SMS, emails, WhatsApp—is automated, ensuring no lead is missed. Focus on selling, let Resource One handle the rest.


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